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Discover These Five Important
- Before starting any abdominal exercise, tighten your stomach muscles by "drawing in" your belly button to your spine - This helps stabilize your hips, pelvis and lower back as well as strengthening your deepest abdominal muscle - the transverse abdominus.
- Avoid lifting with your neck muscles - Make sure to keep your chin tucked in a neutral position with a space between your chin and chest.
- Avoid flexion exercises if you have been diagnosed with osteoporosis - A standard abdominal crunch is an example of a flexion exercise that can be harmful on your lower back if you have osteoporosis. Please contact your doctor first before starting any abdominal exercise program.
- If you can't do an exercise with proper form, wait until you are stronger and start with easier exercises - You can easily injure your lower back or neck if you try to perform exercises that are too advanced. Start with the exercises you can do with good form first.
- Discontinue any exercise that increases your pain- If any abdominal exercise increases pain in your lower back, abdomen, pelvis or hips, discontinue the exercise and consult your doctor or medical professional first.
Now that you have the basics "under your belt" - let's get started on some abs exercise. Get started with the links below:
My #1 Recommended Abs Program - find our what works.
Best Ab Exercises - a list of the best abs exercises.
Abdominal Ball Exercises - great for anyone.
Lower Abdominal Exercises - some of the most neglected exercises
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What Other Visitors Have Said
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Abs Exercise While Sitting At Your Desk
This exercise is what I call the belly swinger.
Often when sitting at my computer, or in a long meeting I practice drawing circles with my abs. At …
Full Body Workouts Not rated yet
Remember that even if your focusing on one part of your body, unless your body is sore elsewhere from a previous workout, you should work everything so …
Pretend there is an orange or tennis ball under your chin! Not rated yet
Pretending that there is a tennis ball under your chin when doing crunches well help keep the correct poster of working out the abs! Pick a spot on the …
The Secret To A Six Pack Not rated yet
I have tried many exercises to get that awesome six pack but it would never completely show. I had tried many different exercises and bought workout guides …
Body Fat Percentage Needed for Flat Abs Not rated yet
No matter how many ab exercises you do if you want to obtain a "6 pack" you need to have a body fat percentage in the range of 6% to 13% for men. The …
Pull ups superset of hanging knee raise Not rated yet
First hang your self in a pull up bar without touching your feet in ground. Start pull up as you can and then after that without resting superset a hanging …
Bench crunch Not rated yet
I like this one because it can be done between sets on other machines.
Find a bench with enough room on both sides.
*Sit in the middle of it.
Frog Jumps and Mountain Climbers for Abs Exercise Not rated yet
Besides the usual sit ups and leg raises, I use frog jumps. I do not bunny hop, but squat down and jump forward landing solidly and then repeat for at …
Leg Raises Not rated yet
I squeeze a medicine ball between my thighs. First, I lower and raise my legs doing 3 sets of 12 reps. Then I do 3 more sets of 12 reps lifting my legs …
Hanging Knee Crunch Abs Exercise Not rated yet
My favorite ab exercise has to be hanging knee crunch. Personally at first I didn't like this much, it was a difficult exercise and took a little getting …
Crunch Your Abs Not rated yet
I was really fat a few years ago and had tried many ways to lose fat. I did lose a lot of weight with a very good and controlled diet.
But the only …
Easy Abdominal Exercises Not rated yet
1. Bicycle Crunch Exercise:-
1)Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
2)Place your fingers on the sides of your head just …
The 'Traditional' way for Abs Exercise Not rated yet
When I started doing exercises, I didn't know about any other that just normal sit ups. So, I started doing them. I began with 50, and than I did gradually …
Abdomen Exercise Not rated yet
A simple and effective way to increase your abdominal muscles is to do this exercise.
All you have to do is to hold a bar without your feet touching …
Be Consistent and Vary Your Abs Exercises Not rated yet
When I work out at the gym i often do my ab workouts with a medicine ball and a sit up bench or I do leg raises on an air seat.
The best exercise that …
Abs Exercise Watching TV Not rated yet
Whenever I watch television from my couch, I do sit ups during the movie.
I challenge myself saying, "I'm going to keep doing sit ups until this scene …
Abs Exercise Laying in Bed Not rated yet
When you wake up in the morning, before you do anything else, try this abdominal routine.
Start with twelve front crunches. Then do twelve left crunches …
Good Posture and Range of Motion for Abs Exercise Not rated yet
Get better results with your abs exercise if you use the full range of motion. Do this by getting your back flat on the floor for crunches, and raise …
Dance exercise - Abs Exercise Tip Not rated yet
I tried many different techniques to flatten my abs. I used various equipment, I did 50-100 sit ups per day, I used many different videos but with no …
Melt Away Your Belly Fat Not rated yet
To get rid of any unwanted belly fat on your abdominal area, strengthening exercises (i.e. sit ups) are not enough. An exercise program not only covers …
Abs Exercise...More Muscle or Less Fat? Not rated yet
Doing Ab crunches and other routines that exclusively exercise the muscles in the abdomen area will make those muscles stronger and bigger but will not …
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