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Coffee Smoothie RecipesSupercharge Your Day |
2/3 cup water
1 1/2 teaspoon instant coffee
2 drops brand or rum extract
Dash cinnamon
4-6 ice cubes
Combine all ingredients and blend until smooth.
Iced Chai Recipe
One Scoop of Natural Flavor
Protein Powder
1/2 cup Chai Tea Concentrate
1/2 cup cold vanilla soy milk
4-6 ice cubes
Combine soy milk, Chai tea concentrate and protein powder and blend until smooth. Place ice cubes in a glass and pour Chai tea blend over top.
Orange Cappuccino Dessert Smoothie
Try this one for dessert!
One scoop of orange fiber shake
2/3 cup of water or milk
1 tablespoon of instant espresso powder
3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
One scoop low fat vanilla ice cream
Combine all ingredients and blend until smooth.
Choco Mint Smoothie
One scoop chocolate
protein powder
8 ounces ice cold water
2-3 drops of peppermint extract
1/2 teaspoon instant coffee
3-4 ice cubes
Blend until smooth.
Mocha Smoothie
One scoop
chocolate protein powder
2/3 cup water
1 teaspoon instant coffee
4-6 icecubes
Blend until smooth.
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Share your favorite coffee smoothie recipe. What tips do you have for making smoothies that have helped you? Do you use a certain blender or certain ingredients? Share your recipe with us!
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Banana Coffee Smoothie Recipe
This is my husband's favorite breakfast drink. You will also love it.
The recipe is as follows for 2 people.
2 small frozen bananas
1 1/2 cups low …
Just regular coffee LOL Not rated yet
Well this recipe really is not a smoothie but it does taste good. OK lets get started..
-4 tea spoons of instant …
Coffee Blend Smooties Not rated yet
2 Cups Ice Cream (Any flavor)
3 Table Spoons ground coffee, (Whatever your prefered blend is)
2 Cup Ice - cubed
1/4 Cup Milk
1 Tablespoon sugar
Non Dairy Coffee Smoothie Recipe Not rated yet
This recipe is for a non dairy coffee smoothie.
1 1/2 cups of coffee chilled
1 tsp of sugar, honey, or chocolate syrup( to flavor to …
Use Your Leftover Coffee for this Coffee Smoothie Recipe! Not rated yet
I hate wasting anything, and I find, and I find this is a great way to use leftover coffee.
1/2 cup of coffee, cooled to at least room temperature …
Caramel Fig Delight Coffee Smoothie Recipe Not rated yet
2 Figs
1 Tablespoon of Caramel Syrup
2/3 cup milk
1 tablespoon of instant espresso powder
One scoop low fat vanilla ice cream
Blend until smooth! …
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