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Firm and Flatten Your AbsLooking to firm and flatten your abs, abdominals, your six pack, the core muscles? No matter what you call them, everybody wants them! Whether you're training for sports, bodybuilding or just to look good on the beach; whether you are male or female, young or old, it doesn't matter. There's not a single person who doesn't want a lean, tight, fat-free, set of abs. The trouble is, getting great abs is not easy. Most people will waste years of effort and hundreds or even thousands of dollars on all the latest infomercial gadgets and diet gimmicks, trying in vain to obtain that ever-elusive lean, muscular six pack stomach, with nothing to show for their efforts.
Firm and Flatten Your Abs goes beyond conventional crunch routines and there's not a single sit up in the entire book. Much of the program is based on developing a strong, powerful, injury-proof core. The "core" refers not just to the abdominal muscles, but your entire trunk musculature, including deep muscles you can't see (like the Transversus Abdominis, or TVA)." Why should you care about muscles you can't even see? Good question, and there are many good answers. Among many other reasons,you must strengthen your core in order to stabilize the spine and eliminate low back pain, which 80% of us will suffer from at some time in our lives. If you're an athlete - recreational or competitive - core strength means better performance on the playing field. If you're a non-athlete, greater core strength means more efficient and safer performance of regular, day to day activities. If you know anyone who blew out their back lifting boxes or simply doing work around the house, you know what I'm talking about. Firm And Flatten Your Abs has a long track record as one of the best selling ebooks on the subject. It's been a Top 10 best seller for over 4 years! However, this second edition really blew me away. The 2nd edition has been completely revised, edited and tripled in size from 60 to 180 pages. The exercise descriptions and ab workout routines are definitely the strong point of the book and they have not changed at all from the first edition with the exception of new exercises being added into the mix (why change something that already works so well?) You may be wondering exactly what's in the book, so here's a sneak preview...
So now you know what's in the ebook, but you also maybe wondering about the exercises and whether you need any special equipment to do them. Good question, since not everyone wants to train in a health club. Many of David's exercises can be done with just your body weight. Others require a stability ball (swiss ball), and a handful can be done with a cable apparatus you'd find in any gym. This means you can train at home or in a gym, whichever you prefer. So who will benefit from this ebook? Well, just about anybody. The information applies to you if you are...
The principles in David's ebook are scientifically tested and proven. A graduate of the prestigious Chek Institute with a total of six certifications, David has the credentials and has done the research to back up his claims. He spends every day in the trenches practicing what he preaches as a personal trainer and strength coach for clients as diverse as housewives to professional boxers and golfers. In summary, Firm And Flatten Your Abs is a groundbreaking e-book because it is about form and function, not just form. Stated differently, David's program will help you develop abs that are every bit as strong and functional as they look. Why settle for a lean, attractive and sexy waistline when you can have that as well as the strength, stamina and injury-proof stability of a professional boxer, Greco-Roman wrestler or a world class gymnast? That is what separates David's program from the hundreds of other abdominal and core training books, DVD's and classes that clutter the fitness marketplace today. To get more information, visit:Firm and Flatten Your Abs
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