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Discover the Health Benefit of Yoga!Yoga is not a recent life philosophy. It has been practiced for thousands of years and during all this time, people benefited from the great results obtained. Furthermore, they conducted investigations, in order to clearly establish the areas in which people can obtain health benefits, by an extended practice. The information obtained after conducting the investigations was grouped in three categories, establishing that yoga practitioners are likely to observe improvements in what concerns physiological, psychological, biochemical aspects. From the physiological point of view, prolonged yoga practices can cure pulse rate decreases, respiratory and blood pressure dysfunctions, it can contribute to stabilizing the nervous system equilibrium, to normalizing gastrointestinal functions and endocrine function, to increasing the joint range of motions, endurance level, energy level, immunity to diseases and cardiovascular efficiency, to improving eye-hand coordination, reaction time, dexterity skills, depth perception, sleep, etc. The second category, comprising psychological benefits, points out that yoga can also contribute to increasing somatic and kinesthetic awareness, self-acceptance and self-actualization, social skills, well-being, as well as to improving concentration, memory, attention, mood, learning efficiency, symbol coding, etc. As for the biochemical benefits of yoga, we can enumerate substantial decreases of glucose, sodium, cholesterol, total white blood cell and remarkable increases of vitamin C, total serum protein, hemoglobin etc. Furthermore, various studies revealed that yoga exercises are extremely effective when it comes to increasing the level of joint flexibility, together with the level of lubrication of joints, ligaments and tendons. Another interesting aspect has to do with the fact that yoga is one of the very few techniques, which contributes to massaging all the internal organs and glands, including the ones that are hardly ever stimulated during the lifetime of a person, such as the prostate. The stimulation and massaging of the internal organs proves to be beneficial when it comes to preventing and keeping away diseases. Moreover, these ancient and efficient techniques guarantee a complete detoxification of your body. When stretching the muscles and performing a thorough massage, due to the complexity of the yoga exercises you ensure the optimum quantity of blood supply you need. As a consequence, toxins are eliminated from your body and certain undesired processes, such as aging, are considerably delayed. As a final remark, all the benefits presented above come in addition to the most important aspect provided by yoga practices, meaning the harmony and the synchronization between body and mind, as well as strengthening your meditation and emotional systems. Yoga practices can bring up a series of incredible benefits. However, in order to get to those stages highly appreciated by perseverant yoga practitioners there are a series of fundamental principles that any yogi has to respect. Most of these rules are related to proper relaxation techniques, to the right manner of breathing, to the sort of diet practitioners should follow and, not in the last place, to thinking positively and trying to meditate objectively on the surrounding realities. As a general rule, all principles underline the importance of self-discipline, self-control, self-determination and focus, as relevant ways of achieving the status promoted by the yoga ideology. Although at the beginning uninitiated yogi might feel overwhelmed with the richness and the vastness philosophy and practice of yoga, there is, however, a series of basic principles, which can help early stage yoga practitioners understand better this ideology. Here are some of the fundamental principles of this philosophical practice: * Total relaxation of your body and mind is required in order to revitalize your nervous system, achieve inner peace and feel relaxed and refreshed. * Your body was designed to move and exercise, which is why, by correctly practicing the yoga exercises, including stretching and toning your muscles, you can increase the flexibility of your joints and spines and contribute to improving your blood circulation. * Furthermore, it is crucial to learn how to breathe correctly when performing the yoga movements, so that you achieve the desired state of harmony and purification. Rhythmical and full breathing, using the lungs entirely, in order to increase the quantity of oxygen you intake, is the most recommended. The breathing techniques promoted by yogi have the purpose of relaxing your mind and increasing your energy level. * Yogis are convinced that what we eat strongly affects our spiritual awareness, which is why, when practicing yoga is recommended to mind your diet. There is no doubt that the things we eat nourish both our body, as well as our soul and, as a consequence, a balanced diet, based on natural products is the number one option to go. Proper eating implies not the things you eat, but it also involves eating moderately and only when you are hungry. After all, there is no logic in eating only for lack of other activities. * Many philosophical concepts, including yoga practices, state that the manner in which we think strongly affects our way of living. As a result, it is always recommendable to meditate on things and to try to eliminate any negative thoughts, in order to gain control over your own mind. As a final conclusion, it is vital to understand and be aware of the above mentioned principles, in order to maximize the positive effects of your yoga practice. Learn a basic yoga exercise routine here.
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