Inspirational Weight Loss Stories

Personal Weight Loss Success Story ...
How Did You Do It?
Many people have been motivated to change after hearing inspirational weight loss stories. That is what this page is all about. Maybe you can help others by sharing your personal weight loss success story below.
Getting the abs you want will take more than just exercise. I've heard the saying "six pack abs start in the kitchen." This means that what you eat will determine how your body is transformed. There are many different ways to improve your eating habits. Eating more natural, organic food is one way. Eating 6 smaller meals a day is another. Some people just limit their calorie intake. What has worked for you?
Maybe you need a boost to keep going on your weight loss plan or maybe you are considering starting. One thing is for sure....your health is worth whatever sacrifice it may take to reach your weight loss goals.
One Inspirational Weight Loss Story...
A few years ago, my husband and I both got motivated to change our lifestyle, begin eating better and stay committed to exercise.
The most dramatic changes, however, came from my husband. He needed something else to help motivate him to change. Listen as he tells his inspirational weight loss story...
My breaking point came in late May 2005 after enjoying a (high fat) meal at Carabbas Restaurant. It was one of those meals where you loosen your belt a notch and, to tell you the truth, I felt miserably stuffed. We then went to a large bookstore where we decided to peruse the books & magazines. One of the first books I noticed was Body For Life by Bill Phillips
. I had been unhappy with the direction my body was headed for years but hadn't done anything about it - until that moment. Something deep within me was crying out for that book, so I bought it. Even before finishing the book, I felt motivated to begin my own 12 week transformation.
This past year has probably been one of the most difficult of my life due to some depression and lack of focus I've experienced. I also had to deal with the news of my mother having breast cancer. For six months, I had little motivation to get out of bed. My diet and exercise habits (or lack thereof) were adding gasoline to the fire. At times, I would use food as a vice or way of gaining contentment. For example, I would secretly stop at our local candy shop and buy a pound of chocolate and have it eaten within a day.
This 12 Week
Weight Loss Challenge has been a huge contributor in improving my mental/emotional/physical health. I have double the energy I used to
and I've been rejuvenated in the work I do as a motivational speaker. My own transformation has inspired me to research and create a
multi-media seminar that challenges/educates young people and adults concerning the benefits of proper nutrition and exercise. I want to
help others see that putting these things into practice can yield significant results that seep into all areas of their lives.
To say the last 12 weeks have been easy would be a joke. I've realized that to accomplish any significant goal in life it
takes extreme discipline, desire, and determination. On those days I didn't feel like exercising, my goal of being one of the finalists would
come to mind.
I'm an example of someone who has not only started and completed the 12 Week Weight Loss Challenge,
but I've also bought into this as a lifestyle.
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Share Your Inspirational Weight Loss Stories...
What helped you become successful? Did you use a certain weight loss plan or book? Like CJ's story above, did you reach a breaking point? This is a place to help others by sharing your success story.
Inspirational Weight Loss Stories....
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