Is the Bean exerciser right for you?
What is the Bean?
The Bean is a unique tool that gives you the ability to perform a wide range of workouts. The Bean not only focuses on your abdominal core but also provides great workouts for the lower body and back. Whether you are already in great shape or just getting started with your fitness goals the Bean exercisor is designed to give everyone a great workout.
Key Features*Is safe and effective for all ages!
*With regular use, you will see results in as little as 2 weeks!
*Comes with a 1-year warranty!
*Requires no assembly! (6 minutes to inflate)
*Is not available in retail stores!
*Has individual chambers and won't collapse if punctured!
*Can withstand 800 pounds and is constructed from 20-gauge PVC!
*Is compact and portable!
What is includedThe Bean
-Full color workout poster
-User Manual
-The Bean DVD with six different workouts:
*Ab and Core Workout - flatter stomach and trimmed down waistline
*Total Body Workout - fast paced strengthening program
*Pilates Workout - great Pilates workout
*Bun and Thigh Workout - focus on tightening the buns and thighs
*Back Strengthening Workout - stretches and exercises for strengthening the back
*Stress Buster Workout - stretches designed to relieve stress
-FREE Bonus Air Pump
Is the Bean any Good?Most of the reviews are for
The Bean are very solid. While there are some reviewers that did not like this exerciser, as with any exercise equipment, the majority of the reviews that we came across really complimented this product.
A lot of the reviewers have substituted the Bean for their weight bench for performing a variety of different workouts. If you are looking for a relatively inexpensive addition to your home gym then we recommend giving the Bean a try.
Get started using The Bean
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