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Lower Back Muscle Right Side

by Rick
(Lindsay ON Canada)

I have what appears to be a muscle pain in the muscle group lower right hand side just above the hip. When I roll in bed it has been painful for a second or two but then when I get up and start moving it seems to be alright. Heat does seem to help but only for a short time. For the most part when I am up moving around it is okay but when I sit as in working on the computer it hurts for a couple of seconds when I stand up and then is not bad when I walk around again.


Rick have you tried the press-up exercise yet? If that doesn't seem to give you relief, try the same exercise with your hips off center (away from painful side).

Everything is explained here:

Press up exercise

As always, consult your doctor if it doesn't get better. Posture really is key to back pain, so also check out this page:

Posture - one cause of lower back pain

Let me know how this goes for you,

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my back
by: james shaw

im only 12 but i came to a computer to tell you about this ( i was jumping on my trampoline and my back right side jump just bam started hurting sooo bad i couldnt get offf the trampoline it hurt so bad i waited until it stopped it eased a little i got off the trampoline and every time i try to breath i hurt send me a message on myspace please my email thing is down and it wont work please help me

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