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Piriformis StretchIt Can Literally Be a Pain in The Butt!
Your piriformis muscle attaches from your hip to your sacrum (base of your back). Therefore, when your piriformis muscle is tight, it can pull on your sacrum, which then pulls on your lower back, placing additional strain on it. Your piriformis is a deep muscle in your buttock region. Therefore, it can literally be a big pain in the butt! Try these piriformis exercises to see if you can find relief.
There are several different ways you can stretch the piriformis. You can try both ways and see which position you can feel a better stretch.
Piriformis Stretch #1 Lower Trunk Rotation
Lay on your back.
Bend one knee up to your chest.
With the opposite hand, pull your knee across your body until a stretch is felt in your buttock.
Hold 20-30 seconds, repeat 3 times twice daily. Repeat on the other side.
Discontinue if pain increases and stays worse longer than 1-2 hours. If your pain increases into your thigh or lower leg, discontinue this stretch and consult your health care professional.
Stretch #2 Figure Four
Lay on your back.
Cross left ankle over on the right knee.
Bend the right knee up to the chest by putting your hands behind your right thigh until a stretch is felt in the left buttock.
Sometimes this is too strong of a stretch and crossing your ankle on to your knee is all you can tolerate at the time. You may also have difficulty reaching your thigh to pull up your leg. If this is the case, us a towel and hook it around your right thigh to help you pull up your leg.
Hold 20-30 seconds, repeat 3 times twice daily. Repeat on the other side.
Discontinue if pain increases and stays worse longer than 1-2 hours. If your pain increases into your thigh or lower leg, discontinue this stretch and consult your health care professional.
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