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Yoga the best way to lose weight

by Vidula

This is a very inspirational weight loss story. You can also try it out as this requires only dedication and patience from your end.

During my pregnancy I ballooned out. Even after the delivery which was a C-sec I was not losing the accumulated fat. Day by day I was gaining weight. I was a slim person before my pregnancy and this weight gain was affecting my self esteem.

The breaking point was when I saw my wedding photos and how thin I looked in that. I was feeling miserable and one day my friend entered my life and she encouraged me to start doing Yoga.

She helped me enroll in one of the yoga classes in the neighborhood. First I was finding it difficult but after a week I began to look forward to the classes. Initially the weight loss was not visible but after a month of regular yoga I began to notice a little change in my body. My puppy fat was reducing and my body had become more flexible.

I will share with you the exercise routine I had taken up then. It is advisable to start Yoga after 3-4 months after your c-section. There are a lot of Yoga postures which I will not go into detail.

First the breathing exercise which helps to normalize your breathing. It makes your breathing uniform,continuous and rhythmic. While standing stretch your arms in front and bring your palms together. Inhaling spread your arms sideways in horizontal plane. While exhaling bring the arms forward with palms touching each other. Repeat 5 times.

Then do the loosening exercise to loosen the various joints in the body.

Then Suryanamaskara which has 12 steps. This helps to bring general flexibility to the body.

After this 2 or 3 asanas has to be done.
I'll explain one asana which I found was truly helping me reduce my fat. The name is Pada hastasana. In this you have to bring the body forward and touch the forehead to the knees. Try to keep the palms on the floor on either side of the feet. First it will be slightly difficult,but don't lose heart. You will ultimately do it.

In the meantime I had reduced my consumption of non-vegetables. But I never took any supplements.

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